Compassionate Self Inquiry
is a way of life!
Hi, I'm Tristan
AlcheMystical Sacred Container Creatress Extraordinaire, Trauma Informed Somatic Transformational Life Coach, Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner, Movement Medicine Facilitator, Fitness Professional, Ceremonialist, Psychedelic Peer Support-Preparation-Integration Coach, Manual Therapist, Artist, Dancer, Writer, Mother and more.. Sounds like a lot, I know, and it is, however, this is the culmination of over 25 years of personal development, education, and life experience.
I'm a multidimensional ageless being of light, ancient, infinite, having a finite human experience. During my over 4 decades here I have lived many lifetimes, collected many stories, written countless chapters, and lived to tell them all! I've healed many layers of childhood traumas, verbal- physical abuse, sexual violations, drug addiction, I've been held hostage at gun point, attempted suicide, I've purged demons and gone deep into the bowels of hell just to see if I could make it back, I came very close to not. BUT I DID! I regret nothing, for each of these experiences were the fires that forged my soul.
I learned how to Alchemize My poison and pain into medicine and empowerment
Not power over anyone or thing, but my own self and the choices I make. I've also created worlds, communities, built bridges, birthed babies, built homes, gardens, designed a clothing line, created costumes and adornments for others, co-created ritual performances, magic and rites of passage ceremonies. I've built businesses, created art, traveled the world, drank medicine with Curendero's and continue to learn from my elders and allies.
First and foremost I'm a mother, and when I sit with clients, I channel this nurturing non judgmental love into all of my sessions because this is the foundation of the container I hold. I am a devotee of the divine feminine and divine masculine and I carry both the sword and the chalice. I am a warrior and a lover, not the kind of warrior who wants to hurt anyone, but one who cuts through illusion and confusion with compassion. Nature is my church, my altar is my heart, the path is life, I'm on it, growing, evolving, shedding that which no longer serves my highest and best, over and over again. There is no destination, no getting off this ride, only a sweet surrender into the next incarnation as each moment arises. Every breath is a blessing and a miracle that we even exist, every moment is a new opportunity to be more in the present to fully experience and enjoy the now.
I'm excited to meet you, because you are another myself, we are all brothers and sisters, all Earthlings, co creators of this reality matrix we call life. I believe in our capacity to collectively heal multigenerational trauma. I believe we can work together as a species to steward this beloved land for many generations to come. There are enough resources for all beings to have their needs met. My prayer is that all beings be awakened to the light of their true nature, all beings be peaceful, happy, safe, and free.
I find myself at the intersection of science and spirituality, blending academia with ancient shamanic healing technologies. Viewing life through a holistic lens, I find it is imperative to consider all parts our our beings, mind, body and spirit, for if one is suffering the whole is affected.
SRJC & Cal Coast University- Psychology
The Tao of Healing Arts, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shiatsu
The Institute of PsychoStructural Balancing, Massage Therapy, Tai Chi
Reiki level 2 Practitioner
The National Academy of Sports Medicine, Master Trainer
NASM Behavioral Change Specialist & Holistic Health Coach
Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner
IFS Coaching For Self Leadership
The Living Dying Project, Compassionate Support for the Dying
Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique aka Tapping)
Roots & Wings 200hr RYT, Yoga Instructor
Buti Yoga Instructor
Santa Rosa JC Dance Program, Hip hop, Jazz, Modern, Ballet
20 Years of Flow Arts & Fire Dance, Experience, Performance, Teaching
Medicine Path Apprenticeships
Mesa Carrier, Q'ero Andean Lineage
Tabaquera- Curandera Student, Mamankunawa
Amazonian Shipibo, Traditional Ayahuasca Plant Dietas
Each of these lineages carries its own healing technology, methodology and cosmology, yet they weave together a rich tapestry of multicultural ancestral wisdom. I am a student, an apprentice on a long road, as it takes many years of dedication and discipline. The medicine work, my spiritual practices, help me keep my channel clean and clear, so I may be a good hollow bone, a vessel for spirit to move through and guide me in all of my work. I am committed to doing my shadow work, seeing my blind spots with an open heart-mind, being accountable, shedding limiting beliefs, honing my gifts and being of service as a beacon of light on the path.